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How to play DEE on Acoustic Guitar

DEE Guitar Tablature

This is the gjuitar tablature to the song DEE as recorded by Randy Rhoads. Randy had a classical background. When ever Randy was on the road, he hired guitar instructors to help him out with his classical studies. One of his favorite modes was the Aeolian mode he used it extensively.

As you learn this song, you might want to experiment and you might find other ways to play this song. I've found that I like other positions on parts of the song.

Randy Rhoads, DEE

Randy Rhoads, tab DEE

Randy Rhoads, tablature DEE

Randy Rhoads, DEE

Randy Rhoads, DEE

Randy Rhoads, guitar tab DEE

Randy Rhoads, DEE

Randy Rhoads,tablature DEE

Randy Rhoads, guitar tab DEE

Randy Rhoads, tab DEE

Randy Rhoads, guitar tablature DEE

Randy Rhoads, guitr tablature DEE

Good luck,

Guitar Secrets


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