Guitar assignment 1 answer

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Assignment 1 Answer – Guitar fret-board and strings

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Learning the guitar fret-board and strings

In our first homework assignment, you were asked to fill in all the notes of the fret-board. Your illustration should have looked something like the one below. Our illustration on the homework assignment did not have this many frets though.

Guitar fretboard and notes

In our next lesson, we need to work on playing the open strings. Your guitar whether Spanish, Guild acoustic, Les Paul, electric, old or new should have six strings. Each string, like each key on the piano, has a particular purpose.

The Low E string or Fattest string, when picked open (not fretting it) should sound the Low E note or tone. However, that’s only true if your guitar is properly tuned. You will need to read up on tuning your guitar. Tuning is very important, so in this lesson we will cover the six strings, their names and placement.

An open A tuning source has been included in the tuning chapter along with a video. You would use this source to tune the A string, this will help you train your ear to the different sounds of the guitar. Then you should read up on tuning the remaining strings.

I would like for everyone to review the lesson covering the guitar fret board and strings in lesson 1.

When you begin to learn the guitar, it’s all about repetition. Things may seem redundant, but you must etch this material into your brain. As you write out the notes on the blank fret-board illustrations, you are exercising your brain and it will actually start to respond musically. The more you learn about music, you will begin to see how mathematical it is and very repetitive the notes and scales are. Music theory is an exciting science. I see music in color and mathematically. It’s like another language, and very exciting. You can learn a few chords and play hundreds of basic songs. You can also learn the theory behind the music and go well beyond basic. That’s what we do here. Our lessons are educational and very inexpensive. 


  • Look over the illustrations on the guitar fret-board and strings and see how and why they are illustrated the way they are.
    • Use the illustration below to fill in all of the notes on the Low E string.
    • Use the illustration below to fill in all of the notes on the High E string.
    • Once the notes are filled in, circle all of the A C D E and G notes. These are the notes that make up the Am pentatonic scale. A few notes have been filled in to get you started.
  • Always use these blank guitar fret-board illustrations to fill in the notes of each scale you are working on.
  • Lesson 3

Guitar fretboard

Good Luck,

Guitar Secrets









