Rock Scales

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Today's most popular scales used in ROCK

I would like to illustrate some popular scales and uses

The fist scale illustrated will be the Pentatonic minor scale. This scale is one of the most popular scales used in ROCK guitar. Due to its popularity and great song writing capabilities, I have personally showed every position throughout our lessons. The greatest guitarists of all time have used this scale. It is vital to have a full understanding of this scale and how it can be converted or added to other scales to produce unbelievable phrases. Each scale will be shown in the root note fret position for ease of explanation. However, it is strongly advised that you learn each scale in every position of the guitar fingerboard.

The first illustration above to the left is the Am pentatonic scale. It is illustrated in the root note fret position. If you notice, you can play every note of this scale without your 1 finger ever leaving the 5th fret. The Low E string can determine this root note position. The root note for the Am pentatonic scale is the A note. The note at at the 5th fret Low E string is the A. If you were to move this fingering pattern to the 7th fret, it would now be the Bm pentatonic scale. This is very important information. This actually means, any scale you play can be moved to any other position to play in other keys. The fingering patterns will always remain the same.

The following progression is a 12 bars blues progression using the pentatonic positions. I have written this progression with the same riffs in each bar. Play this progression in as many different keys as possible. By moving the A7 down to the 3rd fret you could play this progression in G7, C7 and D7. Move everything down 2 frets and repeat the finger. Move everything to the A7 to the 10th fret and play this progression starting with the D. D7, G7 and A7

I would like to explain a way to write the greatest sounding leads. This could change everything for you and open endless possibilities. By combining the major and minor pentatonic scales, you can join the greatest guitarists of all time.

These are the scales to learn, play them everyday. Change keys, move around and come up with your own licks. Rock on.

Good luck,

From the Jam Room