Progression A

Up Progression A Progession A open

Here's another progression, this time you will be starting with the A chord on the 5th fret. Remember you can use the root 6 E type bar chord to play every major chord along the Low E string. Look at the image below. Remember when you play the root 6  bar chord, the chord is determined by the note on the Low E string. If your not up on Bar chords you need to go back and review.

This is the major root 6 type bar chord. You can play this progression using this fingering pattern at the 5th, 10th and 12th frets.
The A major chord would have the index finger covering the 5th fret.
The D major chord would have the index finger covering the 10th fret.
The E major chord would have the index finger covering the 12th fret.


Drum Track


I want everyone to know that it is very important to learn these progressions and the bar chords used to play them. Practice them over and over again. Start to write words to them and songs will be born.

To play lead over these chords you can go about it in a number of different ways.

Even though they are major chords, try to play minor scales over them. You could try to play Am pentatonic over the A chord, Dm pentatonic over the D chord and Em pentatonic over the E chord. Or convert each chord above to the A7 D7 and E7 chords.

Or to get a totally different sound like that of country, play F#m pentatonic root note fret 2nd fret, 1-4, 1-3, 1-3, 1-3, 1-4, 1-4. To make this sound good, start on the A note and play around the notes of the A chord. The notes in the A chord are A C# E. This is the same fingering and pattern as the Am pentatonic at the 5th fret we have been learning. Every position of the Am pentatonic scale can be moved and played in other keys. Or play A major pentatonic, also check out A major over the A chord.

Play Bm pentatonic over the D chord, root note fret 7th fret, 1-4, 1-3, 1-3, 1-3, 1-4, 1-4. Once again, to make this sound good, start on the D note and play some of the notes of the D chord. D chord, D, F#, A. Try to play D major pentatonic over the D chord.
Play C#m pentatonic over the E chord. Root note fret 9th fret, 1-4, 1-3, 1-3, 1-3, 1-4, 1-4. Make sure to play the E note and work around the notes of the E chord. E chord, E, G#, B. Play E major pentatonic over the E chord.
You can also convert the chords above to, A5 D5 and E5 and play Am pentatonic, Dm pentatonic and Em pentatonic over each of those chords. Or you can just jam out in Am pentatonic or A Aeolian over A5, D5 and E5.
Try playing the same progression but use the open position chords.

Good Luck,

From the Jam Room