Mixolydian Mode

Guitar Secrets
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Guitar Secrets
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[C major modes intro] [ C Ionian ] [ Dorian mode ] [ Phrygian mode ] [ Lydian mode ] [ Mixolydian Mode ] [ Aeolian mode ] [ Locrian mode ]

G Mixolydian mode in the Key of C major

The Mixolydian mode is a major mode and the 5th mode in the key of C major.

The next mode of the key of C Major will be the Mixolydian mode. The Mixolydian mode is the 5th note of the major key. The 5th note of the key of C Major is the G note. The G chord in the key of C is a major chord. So the Mixolydian mode is a major mode played from G to G in the  key of C major.

  • So far we have covered the C Major or Ionian mode. The Dorian mode or Dm mode and the E Phrygian or Em mode and the F Lydian mode.
  • Now we will learn the G Mixolydian Mode
  • Try to memorize all the notes in the G major chord. Also, try to memorize all the notes that make up each chord. Remember, each section to the left has the notes of each chord in the key of C major.

Look at the image below and notice the notes and the positions of the G Mixolydian mode. Notice the G notes have been highlighted. You can play this same position at the 3rd fret and the 15th fret. Can you see the pentatonic scale in there. Remove the B and F and you have the 3rd fret position we have been learning in A minor pentatonic.

Mixolydian mode in the key of C major guitar modes

To play this pattern, you would start at the 15th fret, Low E string, 2 finger. Look at the fingering below. Remember to play from G to G, low E string, to high E string. The tablature has been included below.

Mixolydian mode in the key of C major guitar modes

Mixolydian mode in the key of C major guitar modes
Mixolydian mode exercise and guitar tablature

The first note starts with the 2 finger, low E string, 15th fret, play that note. Then play the 4 finger, low E string, 17th fret. 1, 2 and 4 fingers A string. 1, 2 and 4 D string. 1, 3 and 4 G string. Finish this mode off at the G note high E string 15th fret.

Look at the image above very closely and you will notice the fingering pattern for G major pentatonic too. The fingering pattern is the same for the F and C as well. 2-4, 1-4, 1-4, 1-3, 2-4, 2-4. Learn them both, Mixolydian and G major pentatonic. Lay down a G chord and play the fingering 2-4, 1-4, 1-4, 1-3, 2-4, 2-4, starting at the 15th fret and the same fingering at the 3rd fret. Remember all notes repeat after 12 frets.

Tablature below.

Here’s another way to play the Mixolydian mode. You can burn up the fretboard using this fingering pattern. Play 3 notes per string, you can pick the first note and hammer onto the next two notes on the string.

G Mixolydian mode guitar exercise and tablature

The notes below are the same as the guitar tablature above. You can rip up the fretboard playing 3 notes per string and using hammer-ons and pull-offs.

 Mixolydian mode in the key of C major guitar modes

In the next lesson, we will learn the 6th mode of the key of C Major. This will be the Aeolian mode.

Good Luck,

Guitar Secrets