Guitar timing exercises

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Notice that in the first measure, you play the A note, at the 2nd fret. Play that A note on the 1 beat and count out 4 beats. 1 an 2 an 3 an 4 an, then in the second measure, you  hit the A note again on the 1 beat.

Once you hit the A note in the second measure, you count 1 an 2 and on the 3 beat, you hit the A note again and so on. Count out loud until you can hit each beat smoothly and in play in time.

Notice in the image below, that the whole note = 4 beats. You play the note  on the first beat then count out 4 beats.

The half note = 2 beats. You play the note on every other beat.

The quarter note = 1 beat per note. You play the note on each beat.

Guitar scale timing exercises whole note exercise

 In the following examples, you will learn to play eighth notes and sixteenth note exercises. You will also learn how to play triplets, quadruplets, sextuplets in Am pentatonic and sixteenth quadruplets using the A minor pentatonic scale.

Guitar scale timing exercises eighth note exercise and tablature

Guitar scale timing exercises half rest, whole rest exercise


A minor pentatonic scale

A minor pentatonic scale 5th note fret

The illustrations above show the A minor pentatonic scale being played in the root note, 5th fret position. You can use this scale to play guitar triplets, quintuplets, sextuplets, and sixteenth notes. The guitar tablature has been included below.

A minor triplets and timing exercises using the pentatonic scale

A minor triplet and guitar scale picking exercises and quintubplets

Pentatonic scale quadruplets and sixteenth notes

Good luck,

Guitar Secrets

