[C major modes intro] [ C Ionian ] [ Dorian mode ] [ Phrygian mode ] [ Lydian mode ] [ Mixolydian Mode ] [ Aeolian mode ] [ Locrian mode ]
Locrian mode in the key of C major
The Locrian mode is a Diminished mode and is the 7th mode in the key of C major.
The Locrian mode is played from B to B in the key of C Major. This is the last mode we have to learn in the key of C major. B Locrian is the diminished mode, look at the image below.
The B note on the Low E string has been highlighted. Remember all of the modes in the key of C major have the same notes. C, D, E, F, G, A, B and C. Look at the image below and think of the B Locrian mode starting on the green B note and playing all the notes to the B note on high E string.
B Locrian mode tablature starting at the 7th fret position.
Look at the image above and notice the C Ionian mode in there too. You should remember the Ionian mode in the key of C major is played from C to C.
Look at the image below and notice the fingering for the B Locrian mode. The B notes have been highlighted and the fingering pattern illustrated. You would start this mode off with the Low E string, 7th fret, 1 finger. Move through all the strings to the high E string, playing from B to B. Try to come up with some other places to play all of these modes.
B Locrian mode tablature starting at the 7th fret position.
The Locrian mode is the only odd ball mode. It’s a diminished mode, the other modes are either major or minor. This can be a very dark mode.
We have now covered every mode of the key of C major. There has been an enormous amount of information presented to you. As you study these modes, remember you can play them at different locations. You can play the A Aeolian mode starting at the 5th fret, but you can also play this mode starting at any A note on the fretboard. The same holds true for all of the modes. Learn the modes and also learn the relative minor and major scales to each scale.
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Good luck,
Guitar Secrets