Root 5 chords

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These are very important chords and should be learned. Play this chord in every position along the fret board. Remember the chord is determined by the note on the A string ,1 finger. You can find a list of these root 5 bar chords here.

This chord can easily be converted to the A5 chord or root 5 chord. The A5, G5, C5 and so on are called power chords and are used in rock music. Leads are very easy to play over the root 5 type chords. You can write some heavy music using these chords in your songs.

Look to the left and notice how the C chord has now been converted to the C 5 chord. This was done by removing the E note. Now you are playing just the C and G notes. Look at the illustration below.


You play the C and G notes only. You can move this chord in different places to play other chords too. Notice it is a C5 chord because of the C note, 3rd fret, A string. If you moved this same fingering to the D note, 5th fret, A string it would be the D 5 chord. Look below.


This is now the D5 chord. Notice the D note 5th fret, A string. Move these chords around the fret board and put some rhythms together. You can now use the Am or A5, C major or C5, D5, and G 5 chords in the Am pentatonic leads. You can also use E5 and Em, since this chord is in the key of C major. 

Play this rhythm to rock out.

Here is a rhythm using the E5, C5, D5, A5 and G5. Practice this until you can play in by memory and then come up with a few of your own.

Rock on,

From the Jam Room