root 5 bar chords

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Root 5 bar chords or power chords. Guitar chords on the 5th or A string

In this chapter I would like to explain the Root 5 bar chords. This guitar chord is determined by the note on the 5th string, which would be the A string. This bar chord is a movable chord and enables you to play all of the major chords along the A string. These type of bar chords can also be used as power chords as well. 

The first two images below, show the A major chord in the open position. The third image shows the A chord converted into the root 5 bar chord. 

Open A guitar chord

A Guitar chord

If your index finger is positioned on the 3rd fret as shown below, it would be the C major chord. This is because the note on the A string, 3rd fret is the C note. If you slid this same fingering pattern to the 5th fret, it would be the D chord. If you slid it to the 7th fret, it would be the E chord and so on all along the A string. This is a very important guitar chord and one of the most popular played.

The Low E string is not played with the A type of bar chord. Notice how my thumb lays over the Low E string to mute it so it won’t sound. However, in heavy rock you can use the Low E string and play these chords. 

Root 5 bar chord, power chord, or C chord.

root 5 bar chord, power guitar chord

These are very important guitar chords and should be learned. Play this chord in every position along the fretboard. Remember, the chord is determined by the note on the A string, 1 finger. 

The chord above can easily be converted to the A5 chord or root 5 chord. The A5, G5, C5 and so on are used in rock music. Leads are very easy to play over the root 5 type chords. You can write some heavy music using these chords in your songs. Look below and notice how the C chord has now been converted to the C 5 chord.

This was done by removing the E note. Now you are playing just the C and G notes. Look at the illustration below. This could be considered as the C5 power chord. Popular guitar chords used in Rock. The C chord has the notes of C, E and G. This would be the 1st, 3rd and 5th. If you removed the 3rd, you would have the C5 or sometimes considered the power chord. Since there is no 3rd, it could work over a major or minor chord.

The C5 is not technically considered a chord since it has only two notes. A chord has at least 3 notes, which is called a triad.  

C5 root 5 bar chord. Power chords

You play the C and G notes only. You can move this chord fingering pattern around the fretboard to play other chords too.

Notice that the C5 chord is played at the C note, 3rd fret on the A string. If you moved this same fingering to the D note, 5th fret, A string it would be the D5 chord. Look below.

Root 5 bar chords, power chords

This is now the D5 chord. Notice the D note, 5th fret, A string. Move these chords around the fretboard and put some rhythm guitar down and jam out over the power chords. You can now use the Am or A5, C major or C5, D5, and G5 chords when you play lead guitar using the Am pentatonic scale. You can also use E5 and Em, since this chord is in the key of C major. The D5 power chord is illustrated below.

root 5 power chord, D5 chord.

The YouTube Video below shows you how to play Root 6 bar chords, Root 5 bar chords and power chords up and down the fret-board.

Play this rhythm to rock out.

Here’s a guitar rhythm using the A5, C5, D5 and G5. Practice this until you can play in by memory and then come up with a few of your own.

root 5 bar chord progression

Good Luck,

Guitar Secrets








