The illustration below shows all of the chords of the Key of D
Major. You
would use Bm pentatonic to play over these chords. You could also use D major pentatonic or even Dm pentatonic.
| Remember in the illustration to
the left, each outer section shows the chords of the Major key. |
| Each section also shows the three notes that make up each chord. |
| Example: The D Major Chord is made up of three
notes. The three notes are D, F#
and A. |
| D Major is made up of the following
chords. D Major, Em, F#m,
G Major, A Major,
Bm and C dim. |
| Bm pentatonic is the natural minor to D Major. |
| The Root note fret for Bm pentatonic is played at the 7th fret. |
| Remember the pentatonic root note fingering is always. |
1-4, 1-3, 1-3, 1-3, 1-4, 1-4
| Remember once you learn Am pentatonic, you
would use the same fingering patterns, but at different locations to play leads in
other keys. |
Good Luck,
From The Jam Room