Key of D

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The illustration below shows all of the chords of the Key of D Major. You would use Bm pentatonic to play over these chords. You could also use D major pentatonic or even Dm pentatonic.

Remember in the illustration to the left, each outer  section shows the chords of the Major key.
Each section also shows the three notes that make up each chord.
Example: The D Major Chord is made up of three notes. The three notes are D, F# and A.


D Major is made up of the following chords. D Major, Em, F#m, G Major, A Major, Bm and C dim.
Bm pentatonic is the natural minor to D Major.
The Root note fret for Bm pentatonic is played at the 7th fret.
Remember the pentatonic root note fingering is always.

1-4, 1-3, 1-3, 1-3, 1-4, 1-4

Remember once you learn Am pentatonic, you would use the same fingering patterns, but at different locations to play leads in other keys.

Practice the D major pentatonic scale.

Practice the D major scale.

Good Luck,

From The Jam Room