Key of G

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The illustration below shows the chords and notes of the Key of G Major. You would play Em pentatonic over these chords.

The Key of G Major has the chords that follow. G Major, Am, Bm, C Major, D Major, Em and F dim.


Em pentatonic would be the natural minor over the key of G.

So you could jam in Em pentatonic. The root note fret for Em pentatonic is at the 12th fret and in the open position.

Remember the pentatonic minor root note fingering is always.

1-4, 1-3, 1-3, 1-3, 1-4, 1-4


Practice the G major scale.
Practice the G major pentatonic scale.
Practice the G major progressions.
Check out this Em progression using the chords Em D and Am.
Look over the Em progressions and mix them in with the G major progressions.

Good Luck,

From The Jam Room